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Life on Life seeks to draw young people to God and to guide them to become mature believers who will follow Jesus and follow His calling to disciple others.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

—Matthew 28:19–20

As believers, we are called to disciple others and to teach them how to reflect Jesus. This is the purpose of Life on Life—to equip teachers who are raising up young disciples and guiding them to live in ways that bring glory and honor to God. All over the world, millions of children and teens are finding hope in the Lord because of the caring commitment and steadfast faith of our church partners and these wonderful teachers.

As the Life on Life staff considers how to best serve these teachers, we carefully and prayerfully plan each lesson with the goal of creating a well-developed curriculum that addresses the content and skills necessary to lead young believers to Christ and guide them as they grow in faith. Here are a few of the questions we consider:

What Are the Characteristics of a Christian Who Is Growing in Faith?

A believer who is growing in faith:

  • spends time with God and listens to Him.
  • trusts in and obeys God.
  • cares for himself and others.
  • finds hope in times of difficulty.
  • sees life with an eternal perspective.

With these goals in mind, Life on Life lessons help vulnerable and at-risk children and teens understand who God is and how much He cares for them. Through lessons such as “God is Trustworthy” and “God Is the Great I Am,” they learn that God is the source of all wisdom, strength, joy, and hope and that He has a wonderful plan for their lives. Lessons such as “God’s Love Never Changes” and “God Loves All People” teach them that they are loved fully and completely by the One who created them. And as they hear God’s truth through lessons such as “Healing from Sexual Abuse” and “Trust in God’s Care,” they learn that God is with them always, even when they are hurting.

What Skills Does a Christian Need to Grow in Faith?

Spiritual growth is difficult when believers are struggling to meet their physical and emotional needs. So, though all of the lessons are biblically based, they also provide practical skills to help children and teens grow in ability and character as they grow in faith. Lessons such “How to Study the Bible” and “The Bible is Trustworthy” help them to understand the value of engaging in relationship with God and reading His Word. Through lessons such as “Stewardship: Using Your Gifts and Talents” and “God-Given Talents Can Build Confidence,” they learn that they can help themselves and serve others by using their God-given gifts. Lessons such as “Truth and Technology” and “Respecting Those in Authority” guide them to live in ways that reflect Jesus. And lessons such as “God’s Great Story” and “Our Part in God’s Story” help them to understand and share their faith.

Why Is This Important?

From the first lesson of Lower Primary to the last lesson of Young Teen, Life on Life allows children and teens to build on the knowledge and skills they have learned as they continue to grow in faith. Each lesson is carefully crafted to share God’s truth in age-appropriate and engaging ways that guide young people toward the goal of becoming mature believers whose lives reflect Jesus. In addition, important topics are addressed in unique ways in multiple age levels to help children and teens develop deeper understanding of important Christian concepts and deeper faith.

Though careful and prayerful planning is important, curriculum cannot change people’s hearts and lives. Only God can bring true transformation. His love and forgiveness heal pain and anger, erase shame and doubt, and bring hope in even desperate situations. So most importantly, Life on Life seeks to draw young people to God and to guide them to become mature believers who will follow Jesus and follow His calling to disciple others.

Lisa Brock

Author Lisa Brock

Lisa Brock feels incredibly blessed to help share God's love with children all over the world.

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